Mar 5Liked by Katie Nissen

Respectfully I disagree with your self analysis re: door. I think little Katie just liked doors a whole lot.

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we may never know little Katie’s enigmatic mysteries

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Mar 4Liked by Katie Nissen

I wanted to be an eccentric billionaire.

A problem with authority eh.. I’ll drink to that. Unless somebody’s telling me to, in which case screw them I AINT DRINKIN NUTHIN

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i absolutely DEMAND that you DONT have a drink!!! not one, Not Two, NOT THREE… NEVER have 3-4 drinks and one for me

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Mar 4Liked by Katie Nissen

Can corroborate the door, have heard this more than once.

Wanted to be an author, as you known. I imagine my parents feared I’d try to be a creative by any measure. Much to their delight, I’m sure, I am on the fast track to middle management for the state government now, so yay!

Can’t speak to the number of rocks my dome has dented (yes you read that correctly), but I do wonder what the lasting effects of having your hair pulled CONSTANTLY are (accusatory)

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honestly this is tricky because being a creative writer vs. government employee are both the opposite of living that boomer dream… i guess congratulations! you’re a disappointment either way :)

i reject any accusations about “extensive damage from hair pulling” or “should contribute to your plugs fund one day as penance”… it just doesn’t sound like something i’d do, frankly

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Mar 4Liked by Katie Nissen

My parents are p solidly gen x so they are a bit more amenable to state government, though I am sure disappointment is still abundant.

Must have been a different red headed child with dirty TCU crocs hmmmm🤔

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wow i rlly forget that ur parents are just children… infants, really

alright okay we didn’t have air the dirty crocs lore out publicly

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I wanted to be an archaeologist of the Indiana Jones variety, and I ended up as a land surveyor...which is not all that far removed, to be honest.

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fun story: when i took geometry in 8th grade my dad (math guy) was super stoked and quite literally almost stopped on the side of the road to ask a random land surveyor to come talk to my class

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Not all heroes wear fedoras and crack whips.

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my heroes do math 🫡

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Most surveyors don't do math. Nowadays, we have computers to do that for us 😵

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goddamn… all jobs went the way of the computer didn’t they

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My dad and his second wife used to have full on conversations about mathematics. For fun.

I can barely do subtraction.

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Kemist sounds like a solid auto-tuned popstar name.

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and you’ve just given me yet another career option ✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Katie Nissen

a wonderful share that lets us (readers) get back in time and Remind us of our Childhood ambitions, Haha ;)

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happy to pave the road down memory lane 🫡

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Mar 8Liked by Katie Nissen

You outdid yourself with the visual aids this week, Katie! I can't decide which one was the best, but I laughed out loud at you on the end of the Frasier cast. Did not expect that. My other favorite is Alice in Wonderland being sucked up in a tornado with a bunch of shredded wheats.

I have no doubt that whatever you decide to be when you grow up, you will excel at it. The thing is, it does not seem like you're on a path to growing up. But that's perfectly okay!

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my graphics work best when they’re just straight wish-fulfillment!!! and i’m on no path that goes towards growing up but i have been seeing signs that say “TURN BACK NOW” and “ATTACK ZONE,” so i’m not really sure what path i’m on at all

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Mar 7Liked by Katie Nissen

Why did so many of us making "potions" as kids? Also, I'm glad to see someone else grew up on Frasier.

When I was a kid I'm pretty sure I just wanted to be any Disney Channel star. Or a vampire. I don't know, maybe even a vampire on Disney Channel. Anyway, I write about horror movies now so I guess it kinda worked.

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haha yeah… i just grew up on frasier… i don’t still religiously watch it to this day or anything… that would be crazy !

and writing about horror is pretty dope and also pretty close to disney for me #nickelodeonkidforlyfe

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Not surprisingly, the list kept going down the awesomeness curve as you grew up. Also, its interesting that you started wanting to be a Door and now you're left with The Stump.

Weirdly, there weren't many things I wanted to be as a kid. Honestly, I don't remember much at all of what I was thinking then. It's quite possible I am just woken up at 30 and someone transplanted vague memories of childhood to make it feel like I grew up and not manufactured in a vat somewhere. Having said that, I do remember three times feeling that it would be nice to be doing that thing:

1. Go on journeys (Not sure what that entailed as a profession but I really wanted to just start and then keep going places, discovering tribes, golden artifacts, and what not)

2. Wanted a secret ability and use it for meaningless purposes (For a while I was wishing hard that one day I would discover I had some special ability. I used to make elaborate pros and cons about having each ability. Like I wrote passages on how I would go about managing invisibility. Would I stink? How could I breathe without making a noise. How to tailgate doors?

3. Drive trains (Briefly, I would take my bicycle, making platforms out of every other house curb and pretend like the train was slowing down at stations. Really wanted to drive trains and believed I could make the world a better place by getting people faster to wherever they were going).

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1) this feels a lot like when someone as a kid would say they want to be an “inventor…” what does that mean? who knows. is anyone doing it? kind of maybe yeah ??

2) not kidding i would read this if you published it… making elaborate lists of lore is a dream job in and of itself

3) you would make the world a better place being a train driver and its not too late to abandon society for the ol’ pacific union

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Katie Nissen

I wanted to be either Spider-Man or Wolverine lol. Tells you the type of cartoons I was watching as a kid in the 90's.

Then I wanted to dig up dinosaurs when I saw Jurassic Park.

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this possibly feels like a self-preservation instinct gone missing if you watched jurassic park and said “aww hell yeah i want THAT” lol

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Katie Nissen

I have two holes in my head after I walked into a door jam in the middle of the night, but no rocks to head.

Are you really a crop duster pilot? Word on the street is that you are.

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sure am and you should swing by my work sometime to check it out!

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A door?! That's fabulous. Better than some other options you listed there. Just saying ;)

I wanted to be a painter, and I changed idea when in primary school they had us draw what we wanted to be and I could not draw me painting. What an insightful child! No rocks, could you tell?

I am unable to sponsor your Renaissance endeavours at this point because the choice between being poor but eating avo on toast or being poor and sponsoring you is not as tough as it seem. Wishing you all the best.

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a door is positively better than the option i settled on too :)

you could consider taking up painting again, but strictly as an abstract expressionist! Maybe then we could go in together on a Renaissance-style sponsor

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Sweet talker. I'm in!

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Mar 5Liked by Katie Nissen

Surprisingly I don’t think I was hit by any rocks as a child. Just a dumpster to the head and concussion in a car crash. That may explain why I can’t remember what I wanted to be as a child…

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alright you win so far (tho, we call this particular victory a booby prize)

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Mar 4Liked by Katie Nissen

My career path, as laid out in 1996 by 5th grade Jackie, was as follows: Doctor (surgeon, specifically), then a show jumper (of horses), then the first female president of the United States (still achievable, somehow?).

All throughout my youth I actively told everyone I would NeVeR be a teacher, so y’know, kids are dumb.

Very patiently waiting on your post about the Ottomans.

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i’m putting it on the record that as a kid i once told mom and dad i thought you would be a good teacher and as our modern Cassandra, no one listened!!!

was the full sentence something like “she would be a good teacher because she likes bossing everyone around” who can say

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Mar 4Liked by Katie Nissen

Only one rock to the forehead. Many falls straight to the face though. Didn’t learn about using arms to break fall till late in life.

Loved this. New favorite stack. 💥

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that’s a tricky one and i really, personally, don’t feel that “don’t hit your face” is emphasized enough in early childhood… i’m sure everyone thinks it’s intuitive but have they considered how funny it looks to go BONK!

delighted to welcome you to the Stumpie Army the few, the proud, the bold 🫡

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Mar 4Liked by Katie Nissen

Water with lemon really is nice...

I wanted to go to the ArtCenter College of Design in California and become an automotive designer. Did I have any artistic skills or sufficient imagination to design new cars? Not at all. But that was the goal. Then a teacher. Then a preacher. Then a teacher / preacher. And, finally, whatever it is that I do now.

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*insert that picture of Homer Simpson's car design bc this stupid website won't let the comments have photos* <-- this is what I'm imagining you wanted to design

and teacher/preacher is like, not *that* far off your current job, depending on how emphatically you decide to lecture on a given day

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